ScienceSim Brings 3D Internet Home
One of the main themes of SC09 is something called "3D Internet." While many of you might be familiar with Second Life or Sun's Project Wonderland, a new application called ScienceSim might be just the place to test the waters:
"Enter ScienceSim. A team of researchers and technology strategists, funded by Intel’s server business and working with OpenSim open source technology (which celebrates its second birthday today).. had a goal of creating an environment for experimentation in virtual worlds. We wanted a turnkey kit that companies or researchers could download and develop specific applications in virtual worlds, data visualization and analysis.
ScienceSim enables customizable physics, optimizations to achieve better scalability, and can serve as a testbed for data visualization and control for science experiments like fusion reactions, biomedical applications, geophysical, intelligence analysis.. to name a few potential areas of work. As our CTO said in a previous blog, the Intel team is working with the Supercomputing 2009 conference to have folks develop academic material around this platform and have a forum to discuss these efforts and how they fit towards building a 3D internet of the future." Full Story