Social Media offers us a great opportunity to get the word out and grow the Supercomputing conference community. Learn all about it here.Summary:
The SC conference has a strong community made up of thousands of people who come back to the show year after year. As a new initiative of the SC09 Communications Committee, this blog describes a strategy to connect and grow the Supercomputing community using Social Media tools.
- What is Social Media?
- Why Social Media for SC?
- What Social Media Tools are already in place for SC09?
- SC on Twitter
- SC blog
- SC on Facebook
- SC Linked In
- How do I engage?
Social media tools use the Internet for sharing and discussing information among human beings.
The following video is a great introduction to Social Media.
Why Social Media for SC?
Every year at the SCxx conferences, thousands of us get together for a week and then we go on our separate ways. With Social Media tools like this blog, we hope to grow the SC community in a whole new way.
Many companies are already using Social Media to engage with their customers. They are getting measurable results. We can do that with SC. And with your help, we will be the first conference to do so effectively.
What is the Social Media Strategy?
Our strategy is quite simple:
Engage the Supercomputing community members who are already using the most popular Social Media tools and get them to participate. Through their participation, we will leverage their networks to grow the community.What Social Media Tools are already in place for SC09?
Many people have their favorites, so we have four tools now in place: Twitter, SC09 Blog, Facebook Group, and a Linked In page.
SC09 on Twitter

Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Twitter is one of the easiest Social Media tools to use.
You can follow our Supercomputing Twitter page at:
SC09 Blog

A Blog is a website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.
You are now reading the Supercomputing blog. While the SC show has a wonderful conference site that tells you pretty much everything you need to know, until now we haven't had is a place for us share our stories as a community.
Unlike a newletter or other "one-way" media, blogs let users comment to encourage discussion and sharing of useful information. Blogs are also great aggregators for other Social Media tools. For example, on the right column of this blog you can see relevant SC09 links, Twitter entries (tweets), and more.

Facebook is a popular free-access social networking website. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves.
The SC Conference on Facebook Group is a great place to get to know your fellow attendees of the SC conference.
Linked In
Linked In is a business-oriented social networking site mainly used for professional networking. As of February 2009, it had more than 35 million registered users, spanning 170 industries.
In our troubled economy, Linked In gets a lot of traffic.
How do I engage with Social Medial for SC?
Like driving a car, Social Media is not something you "get" just by reading about it--you have to learn by doing. Here's how:
- Twitter users: Follow our Supercomputing Twitter page at:
- Blog lovers: Read the Supercomputing blog at:
- Facebook users: join the SC Conference for HPC Facebook Group:
- Linked In users: Join the SC09 Linked In Group: